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#EveryoneHasAStory TM

Podcast Project

Hear from a wide variety of different career representatives as they share their journey, insights about their job, and so much more!

Find Career Inspiration in Every Episode!

How the Project Began...

Our mission is to connect students' talents, interests, and aptitudes to the world of work.TM  In April of 2020 when the pandemic shut down the world and disrupted education we knew we had to pivot.  The BEA Team wanted to find a way to allow students to safely explore careers .  We decided to begin recording the unique career stories of professionals from various occupations.  This could easily be accomplished from the safety of our home offices.  


The #EveryoneHasAStoryTM podcast officially launched in January 2022 and features conversations with various career representatives about their journey from student to their current positions. During each episode you will hear from career insiders on how they navigated their path to their current job, insights on their experience, challenges they overcame and lessons they learned.


We understand how critical it is to transfer knowledge from one generation to the next.

K-12 educators and students can access these podcasts to explore careers and help guide academic pathway planning.


Listen and Learn!

Record Your Career Story

Each and every adult, no matter their occupation, took a different path to get to where they are today.

  • Donate 60 minutes of your time to record your unique career story.


  • Expect a casual organic but completely facilitated conversation.


  • Questions to be covered are provided prior to the session.


  • Speak into the lives of the next generation.


Work with the BEA to capture your unique career story. K-12 educators and students will have access to this content for career exploration activities once it is edited and approved.

©2022 by Business & Education Alliance

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